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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Religious Controversy

I completely agree with the fact that the debate about religion in schools should be put to rest. If you ask me, schools should stay away from religion in their academic day. Public schools are government facilities and there is suppose to be a separation of church and state. On a website that informs on the ways school-organized prayer violates the constitution, it proves a valid point that "the public school system is created for all students and supported by all taxpayers. It should therefore remain neutral on religious issues over which students and taxpayers will differ". On top of that, I'm pretty sure the average middle class American sends their child to public school to obtain an education to provide a better future, not build a religious background. I think there is a time and place for everything and religious activities should be saved for home, Sunday school or youth group. There has also been debate on the Pledge of Allegiance and the fact that it uses "God." As for that I agree that schools should still have that. If you look at it, the word "God" can be more or less universal and it just seems like a respectable tradition. However, if a child wishes not to recite the Pledge, I think there shouldn't be any disciplinary action as long as the student respects his/her fellow classmates. I remember back in middle school if we didn't recite the Pledge the teacher would yell at us and call us disrespectful and I don't think that's right at all. We are suppose to be a democracy and mandatory recital seems to be touching on some fascist ways. All in all, its time we drop the whole controversy of religion in schools because our constitution clearly states that church and state are to be separate.

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