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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Same - sex divorce?

Recently a Travis County Judge recognized the divorce of Angelique Naylor and Sabina Daly, a same-sex couple who had gotten married 5 years ago in Massachusetts. I guess I'm rather confused by this notion, although I am all for same-sex marriage and the freedom for people to chose whoever "the one" is for them, it just doesn't make sense that the state is willing to acknowledge divorce but not same sex marriage to begin with. Apparently the attorney general's office generally acknowledges same sex marriages as a voidance not a divorce. However this isn't the first case that has appeared in court. In Dallas a judge granted a same-sex divorce to a couple, backing it up with the 14th Amendment as justification. Although this seems like it could be a step backward from equality, since it seems Texas could be more or less just trying to rid its state of same-sex marriage, I hope that that is not the case. On the more sunny side of things maybe this official acknowledgement is the first stride towards equality for same-sex couples.

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