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Monday, March 1, 2010

Who's judging?

In this article the Austin American Statesman’s Editorial Board is most definitely reaching out to democratic voters, on the topic of who should takeover in the judicial system. Retirements on the state districts courts in Travis County created four open seats. The author feels Amy Clark Meachum is a better candidate for the 201st district bench than Jan Patterson. Meachum is the winner of the Travis County bar’s preference poll. The Editorial Board relates her popularity to the fact that she is smart and has an easy manner. Patterson has been "characterized as abrasive by people in and out of the court". The author feels Meachum is the better choice and I agree. Part of their success should factor in their ability to reach out to their community. In the 299th district court race the candidates are Mindy Montford, and Karen Sage, Attorneys Leonard Martinez, and Eve Schatelowitz Alcantar. The author feels Montford is the ideal candidate and I agree. She was charged with public intoxication in June; however she can use that to her advantage. The voter may tend to choose her with intended convergence, placing her on a more realistic level in a community of typical hard-working Americans. Although some may look at her in a more disgraceful sense, others seem to see her as someone that is more like “the people,” which therefore could give the community a better feeling of representation. In the 331st district court race the author is saying fairness and diligence will get more votes for David Crain. I would vote for him just knowing he is known for fairness. When people go to court they hope for a fair remorseful judge, besides isn’t the point of justice is to be just? The pros and cons can go on and on. It just depends on a voter’s personal preference. People have different opinions and different values.

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